Develop and deploy optimization-based apps at high speed with AIMMS as the mathematical programming environment and IBM ILOG CPLEX as the solver.
Easy to use
With AIMMS you can build your apps 10-20X faster compared to Python, R and C++.
Easy to maintain
Get automatic solver updates and remove maintenance headaches.
Easy to collaborate on
Integrate, improve and share your model with ease.
Easy to scale
Scale fast. Deploy apps across the enterprise securely.
AIMMS Development
AIMMS Development is a toolkit for rapid optimization modeling and app development. It enables data science, operations research and analytics professionals to develop optimization applications for end-users, in order to drive optimal business decisions and outcomes.

AIMMS + CPLEX: The Added Value

IBM ILOG CPLEX is a high-performance optimization solver for linear, mixed-integer and quadratic programming. With the CPLEX solver in AIMMS, you get access to CPLEX’s speed and robustness coupled with a state-of-the-art modeling platform to build and deploy apps 10-20 times faster.
Build and Deploy Optimization-based Apps at Speed
AIMMS supports more than 10 different solvers, including:
Supported Mathematical Programming Types

Speed Up Processing Times for Specific Use Cases with ODH-CPLEX
ODH-CPLEX is a solver add-on that makes use of CPLEX and is developed by Optimization Direct. ODH-CPLEX is a high performance solver for Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) and Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP/MIQCP) problems. The solver is designed to run on modern multiprocessor machines. Its engine exploits many cores by breaking complex models into sub-models, and solving them into parallel threads. In some cases, it’s been found to improve model performance by 50-100%, over the standard use of CPLEX.

An Overview of the ODH-CPLEX Solver in the AIMMS Prescriptive Analytics Platform
Low Code Optimization App Development
How AIMMS enables you to develop and deploy optimization-based apps at speed.