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Gartner Recognizes AIMMS as a Prescriptive Analytics vendor in Multiple Hype Cycles for 2022

prescriptive analytics vendor

AIMMS has been mentioned in multiple Gartner Hype Cycles for 2022. Gartner recognized AIMMS as a vendor in prescriptive analytics, and we couldn’t be more excited about it.

Let’s understand what a Hype Cycle is and where AIMMS is listed.

What are Gartner’s Hype Cycle and its methodology?

Gartner’s Hype Cycle is a graphical depiction of a common pattern that arises with each new technology or other innovation. Each year, Gartner creates more than 90 Hype Cycles in various domains as a way for clients to track technology maturity and future potential.

Each Hype Cycle drills down into the five critical phases of a technology’s life cycle. The five phases are Innovation Trigger, Peak of Inflated Expectations, Trough of Disillusionment, Slope of Enlightenment, and Plateau of Productivity.

gartner hype cycles report phases

AIMMS in multiple Hype Cycles for Prescriptive Analytics

1. Hype Cycle for Manufacturing Digital Transformation and Innovation, 2022

2. Hype Cycle for Digital Government Services, 2022

3. Hype Cycle for Legal and Compliance Technologies, 2022

4. Hype Cycle for Life Science Manufacturing, Quality and Supply Chain, 2022

5. Hype Cycle for Consumer Goods, 2022

6. Hype Cycle for Analytics and Business Intelligence, 2022

7. Hype Cycle for Finance Analytics, 2022

8. Hype Cycle for Midsize Enterprises, 2022

What is prescriptive analytics and why it is important?

Prescriptive analytics is a type of data analytics that seeks to provide answers to “what do we need to do to achieve this?” The concept involves the use of advanced mathematical models and algorithms, using artificial intelligence to provide an automated solution to a problem. When used correctly, it can help organizations make better decisions based on facts and projections instead of conclusions based on gut instincts. Also as Gartner states, prescriptive analytics provides capabilities to further automate/augment decision-making to improve business responsiveness and outcomes.

To help you understand better, we recommend you to read – What is Prescriptive Analytics? Exploring Key Terms, Use Cases, and Drivers.

AIMMS recognized as a Prescriptive Analytics vendor by Gartner in multiple Hype Cycles for 2022 – Tweet this.

How these Hype Cycles are helpful for you?

These Hype Cycles are a valuable read for current and potential Supply Chain leaders. The reports bring together a long list of trends, enabling technologies, business frameworks, and competencies that should be in your consideration set.

These reports will help you weigh your options more clearly by understanding how relevant technologies will evolve and arm you with the information to see beyond the hype and make the right purchasing decision at the right time.

Hype Cycles help you to –
• Separate hype from the real drivers of a technology’s commercial promise
• Reduce the risk of your technology investment decisions
• Compare your understanding of a technology’s business value with the objectivity of experienced IT analysts

Ending Notes

As a Gartner-recognized Prescriptive Analytics software company, we’re most interested in all things digital that have analytical flavor by nature. We see our clients deliver strong value from digital innovation, but only when organizations have the knowledge and technology to do things differently. This requires Prescriptive Analytics, a type of advanced analytics that results in a recommended action.

We thank Gartner for featuring us in their Hype Cycle reports for 2022. It always inspires us to keep building and helping the community.

Ready to optimize your supply chain with prescriptive analytics?

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